This last Session of the 2021 Discussion Series was convened back-to-back with ASEAN Peace Poetry Night to celebrate the impact and importance of arts and culture on peace and peacebuilding. The ASEAN-IPR invited representatives from government and non-governmental organisations and grassroots institutions to share their experience transforming conflict through community-led peace initiatives. A common point throughout the discussion was that local wisdom plays great importance in building a culture of peace, whether through incorporating it into school curriculums, establishing a peace village, or promoting peace through storytelling. This Discussion Series was held in relation to one of ASEAN-IPR’s Priority Research Areas, particularly the Role of Local Communities, Local Wisdom and Knowledge in Peace Building, Peace Process and Conflict Resolution.
Recording of the Discussion Series
- Training on Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue for ASEAN Officials
- ASEAN-IPR Online Lecture Video
- ASEAN-IPR Youth Peace Essay: 3rd Winner - Muhammad Ghifari - "The Strategic Role of Muslim Youth in Explaining Peace and Tolerance in the Contemporary Era"
- ASEAN-IPR Youth Peace Essay: Honourable Mention - Nguyễn Thành Long - "Youth and Peace in ASEAN Young People's Contributions to Peace in ASEAN through Cultural Diplomacy"
- ASEAN-IPR Publication of ASEAN Peace Poems
- ASEAN Peace Poetry Night & ASEAN-IPR Discussion Series Session 7: "the Role of Folklore (Local Wisdom) in Peacebuilding"
- ASEAN-IPR Working Paper Series on Peace and Conflict Resolution Issue 2021 No. 2