Outcome Seminar on ASEAN-IPR Research - Aceh Case: Peace Building and Post Tsunami Recovery
11 May 2022

Outcome Seminar on ASEAN-IPR Research - Aceh Case: Peace Building and Post Tsunami Recovery



Monday, 9 May 2022

Jakarta, Indonesia/Videoconference


More than 70 participants attended a Seminar organised by the ASEAN Institute for Peace & Reconciliation (ASEAN-IPR) Indonesia & the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA), both in person at the MFA of Indonesia Training Centre in Jakarta, or virtually through zoom platform. It was an Outcome Seminar of the ASEAN-IPR's second Research Project entitled "Aceh Case: Peace Building and Post-Tsunami Recovery", convened on Monday, 9 May 2022. The Seminar's purpose was to present findings of the Research Team on the project, in the form of a draft manuscript – and to gather comments, feedback and/or recommendations from experts and relevant stakeholders in the region, before finalising the manuscript as final output of the research. The research project was supported by the Mission of Japan to ASEAN through the Japan-ASEAN Integration Fund (JAIF).

H.E. Artauli RMP Tobing, Representative of Indonesia to the ASEAN-IPR Advisory Board, highlighted that a triple nexus was utilised as framework for the research – which examined interrelation between peace, humanitarian aid and development. She underlined that such was the value added from the Research Project, whereas existing and past studies on Aceh peace process were mostly conducted within a single nexus (i.e., humanitarian or peace). Mr. Rolliansyah Soemirat, Director for Political Security Cooperation, MFA Indonesia, underlined the importance for humanitarian assistance to also ensure sustainability of reconstruction and rehabilitation, in addition to immediate needs. On the peacebuilding aspect, he stressed the importance to acknowledge local culture, for the sake of power distribution in local communities.

H.E. Chiba Akira, Ambassador of Japan to ASEAN, underscored that Aceh's case illustrated how humanitarian assistance from natural disasters could contribute to peace processes. In such regard, he emphasised that the Government of Japan is pleased to support the research project. Moreover, he also underlined Japan's commitment to support the ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific.

Dr. Delsey Ronnie, head of the Research Team, presented an outline of the research – including the objectives; questions; methodology; framework of triple nexus between development cooperation, humanitarian aid and peace & security; as well as its findings. He also underlined the importance to highlight the significant role of women throughout the whole process of humanitarian aid, Aceh's reconstruction and rebuilding, and peace process. Following the presentation, experts from the region – including Prof. Eka Srimulyani, S.Ag., MA (State Islamic University Ar-Raniry Aceh, Indonesia), Prof. Dr. Kuntoro Mangkusubroto (Former Head of Agency for the Rehabilitation and Reconstruction of Aceh and Nias), Dr. Ichsan Malik (Coordinator for Peace Psychology Programme, University of Indonesia), Dr. Lilianne Fan (Research Fellow, Humanitarian Policy Group, Overseas Development Institute), Ms. Yuko Dohi, Senior Adviser JICA) – provided their insights, views and recommendations towards the research findings. This include views on how peace agreements should be implemented in order to sustain peace, as well as how the lessons learned and best practices from Aceh's case could be applied in current context of ASEAN and global situations. Comments and views from participants were also noted, to be considered by the Research Team in finalising their report.

H.E. Umar Hadi, Representative of Indonesia to the ASEAN-IPR Governing Council, closed the Seminar by commending the research team and all involved in the project, including appreciation to Japan for their generous support. He reiterated how those involved in Aceh's reconstruction and rehabilitation had the confidence and courage to fully benefit for the people of Aceh, with bonus of peace process along the way. He concluded by stating hope that findings of the research project will feed more into the wisdom and courage of ASEAN and ASEAN-IPR to continue its part for peace building in the region.

Participation in the Seminar included Members of the ASEAN-IPR Governing Council (GC), Advisory Board (AB), ASEAN Women for Peace Registry (AWPR), peace experts, scholars and/or researchers, representatives from ASEAN Secretariat and ASEAN bodies/sectoral bodies. The Seminar also brought views from those who have been directly involved in Aceh's rehabilitation and/or peace processes.

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