Book Launch of ASEAN-IPR Research – “Aceh Case: Peacebuilding and Post Tsunami Recovery”
04 Jul 2022

Book Launch of ASEAN-IPR Research – “Aceh Case: Peacebuilding and Post Tsunami Recovery”


Book Launch of ASEAN-IPR Research –

"Aceh Case: Peacebuilding and Post Tsunami Recovery"


Monday, 27 June 2022

Jakarta, Indonesia/Videoconference

More than fifty (50) participants attended a Book Launch of the ASEAN Institute for Peace & Reconciliation's (ASEAN-IPR) Research Project, "Aceh Case: Peace Building and Post-Tsunami Recovery", on Monday, 27 June 2022. The launch was done in hybrid format with in-person participants attending at the Training Centre of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) of Indonesia while those participating virtually joined through Zoom Meeting platform. This is the Institute's second ever research project, and was supported by the Mission of Japan to ASEAN through Japan-ASEAN Integration Fund (JAIF).

In his opening remarks, the Representative of Indonesia to the ASEAN-IPR Governing Council, H.E Umar Hadi, underlined that the Research's main objective had been successfully achieved to find the roles of post-humanitarian actors with their further assistance in peacebuilding. In that regard, he remarked that the publication is one of the pillars of celebrating valuable peace. He further highlighted that the research also proved that shifting perspective from power to people's approach has successfully managed the conflict in Aceh.

Ms. Dirna Mayasari Jacob, one of the researchers of the project, emphasized that the publication could reflect how Aceh has survived and recovered from conflict and disaster. Amidst the situation's complexity, peace has been achieved by the actors working through the nexus of humanitarian assistance, development, and peacebuilding. She further underscored that the publication showed how Aceh is one of the regions that implemented positive peace because they have the attitudes, institutions and structures that create and sustain peaceful societies.Ms. Jacob also highlighted the important role of women in peace building and post-tsunami recovery. She shared stories of women in a village in Aceh who bravely asked the warring parties to stop the war and the important role of women civil society organizations in Aceh in pushing forward the peace agenda. Furthermore, she touched upon the leadership of a woman named Mak Cut from Lhok Mee village Aceh Besar who led and helped her community to recover after the tsunami as one of the examples of remarkable women's role in post-tsunami recovery. Ms Jacob also accentuated other key takeaways from the publication, including role of communities, the Triple Nexus approach, and coordination and organisation of communities in Aceh and their parts in peacebuilding and peace processes.

Deputy Secretary-General of ASEAN for ASEAN Political-Security Community, H.E. R.M. Michael Tene, highlighted that the completion of this project is one of the accomplishments of ASEAN-IPR in pursuit of its mandate, namely to contribute and share to the discourse, research and study of peacebuilding and post-conflict recovery. He underlined that inclusivity is key to national peacebuilding processes; ensuring that all needs of society are included - as shown through the post-tsunami recovery in Aceh. He expressed hope that the publication could enrich the discourse on this topic and bring new ideas and initiatives of ASEAN's new approach to peace and reconciliation.

Ambassador of Japan to ASEAN, H.E Chiba Akira, highlighted this publication as Japan's commitment to work closely with ASEAN to promote peace in the region. He underlined that the unprecedented disaster plays a role in building humanitarian approaches to peace and post-conflict resolution. He also highlighted that the implementation and distribution of humanitarian assistance in Aceh could be applied within the region and the world.

Director-General (DG) for ASEAN Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, H.E. Sidharto Reza Suryodipuro, remarked that the publication serves a unique perspective on how disaster could lead to sustainable peace. Therefore, perspective change from power to people, peace, and solidarity is one of the key messages that could be applied in other parts of the region. In this regard, he viewed that taking on best practices and lessons learned from Aceh peace process are amongst the opportunities for ASEAN-IPR in helping ASEAN – namely to provide studies, analysis, or recommendations on the Myanmar issue. In this regard, the DG also expressed hope that in light of the challenges that the region is facing, ASEAN-IPR's role, is therefore important and its capacity must be built.

Following the keynote of the Director-General for ASEAN Cooperation, a symbolic handover of the publication was inaugurated by representatives from the ASEAN-IPR and the Mission of Japan to ASEAN.

As conclusion of the launch, Executive Director of ASEAN-IPR, H.E. I Gusti Agung Wesaka Puja, reiterated how the Aceh peace process is fundamental in the study of peace and disaster management. He underlined two important elements of the publication which has brought added value to the discourse and study of the subject, namely: (i) the triple nexus on peace, humanitarian, and development; and, (ii) the recognition of Acehnese women in peace, humanitarian response and development. The ED also stressed the importance to consider and acknowledge the involvement of youth – whether in the Aceh peace process, or in all peace processes in general. Lastly, he expressed hope that in the future, ASEAN-IPR research projects would not only contribute to the sustenance of peace in the region, but also help better capacitate duty bearers in the region on the best practices of addressing dispute and/or facilitating conflict.

Participants of the launch included Members of ASEAN-IPR Governing Council (GC), Advisory Board (AB), ASEAN Women for Peace Registry (AWPR), peace experts, scholars and/or researchers, representatives from the ASEAN Secretariat as well as ASEAN bodies/sectoral bodies/centres/entities.

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