  July 18, 2024

This Report is written by Dr. Tamara Nair, Member of the ASEAN Women for Peace Registry (AWPR), Singapore.

Climate change processes are acknowledged as critical components of regional and international security, and there is scope for the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (henceforth, ASEAN) to mobilise all segments of its population and existing plans of action addressing climate change to confront this challenge. The role of women in ASEAN’s peace and security and their role climate change mitigation can and should be acknowledged and strengthened systematically. The ASEAN Women, Peace and Security Regional Plan of Action (WPS RPA) offers such an opportunity for increased regional cooperation to build resilience and enhance resourcefulness of women’s formal, but in particular, informal networks. Although climate change does feature in the RPA, it is not within the specific focus of how the WPS framework might work in addressing the need for gender sensitive responses to the effect of climate change. This Insight discusses possible advantages of using the RPA in this manner.


This publication is downloadable on the ASEAN-IPR Website: https://asean-aipr.org/resources/engaging-wps-in-climate-security/

  September 14, 2022

We are delighted to present the second episode of our Online Lecture Video series, featuring Dr. Amporn Marddent (Member of AWPR Thailand, and lecturer at School of Languages and General Education in Walailak University, Thailand). This episode will explore the theme Radicalisation and Violent Extremism: Ways to Counter and Prevent, where the first part of the video will mainly focus on discussing the concept and theories relevant to the theme. The lecture focuses on Southeast Asia as case study to help understand the characteristics that influenced the region’s radicalisation and violent extremism landscape. Make sure to like this video and subscribe our channel for upcoming online lectures!

  September 14, 2022

We’re excited to share with you all part two of the first episode of the ASEAN-IPR Online Lecture Video with Ms. Ayu Kartika Dewi!

In this part, she will share about her perspectives on the concept of hard truths, as well as the importance of collaboration and partnership in peacebuilding.

Don’t forget to regularly visit our Website and be sure to follow and subscribe to our social media for more contents on peace and reconciliation. Also, let us know what kind of contents you would like to see from the ASEAN-IPR, by dropping us your comments below.

  April 21, 2022

ASEAN-IPR Online Lecture Video is a new content from the ASEAN Institute for Peace & Reconciliation to help the general public gain a better understanding on the mandate, functions, and work of the institute. The Lecture Videos will breakdown several topics relevant to the work of the ASEAN-IPR – such as women, peace & security; youth & peacebuilding; climate change & peace; and prevention/countering radicalism & violent extremism. The Lecture Videos will be delivered by experts in the region, sharing their perspectives on peacebuilding and peace processes.

In this very first episode, Ms. Ayu Kartika Dewi, Member of the ASEAN Women for Peace Registry from Indonesia, Special Staff to the President of Indonesia, and founder of SabangMerauke, will share about her experience in peacebuilding area. She will also share how youths in the region could be an active contributor to peacebuilding, as part of the community-building process.

  March 1, 2022

Know more and understand more about the ASEAN-IPR’s work, mandate, functions as well as other insights on the Institute from prominent individuals who have served as Members of the ASEAN-IPR’s Governing Council (GC), Advisory Board (AB) or the ASEAN Women for Peace Registry (AWPR).

On this video, Prof. Joseph Liow, Representative of the Singapore to the ASEAN-IPR Advisory Board  2014-2021, and Chair of the Advisory Board in 2018, gave his insights on the Institute’s early years – namely how to operationalise the Institute based on its Terms of Reference – and its growth, as well as achievements thus far. He also expressed his expectations of what the Institute could contribute in coming years.


  March 1, 2022


This Policy Report is written by Dr. Tamara Nair, Member of the ASEAN Women for Peace Registry (AWPR), Singapore.

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Assuming gender neutrality in digital space does little for gender equality in digital space. This report suggests using the agenda of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 (UNSCR1325) on Women, Peace and Security (WPS) as a framework for addressing issues of gender inequality and violence against women (VAW) in the digital world and indigenising it for ASEAN. The application of this framework goes beyond its provenance in conflict and draws on its roots in human security. The gendered impacts of digital technology and their connection with peace and security are a serious policy blind spot. Adopting the WPS narrative as it stands, created and propagated by mostly North America and Europe, means it does not allow an indigenous interpretation, which might be what is necessary when it comes to ASEAN. Currently the agenda is bereft of a cultural context, which is vital to its realisation in other parts of the world. If ASEAN seeks to move the agenda forward, it has to start with WPS projects that have resonance with all member states, and the agenda should ideally be approached from a human security angle that is relevant to current times, especially in the areas of economic security, digital security and climate security. The year 2021 marked the 21st year of UNSCR1325 and it seems timely that the agenda itself should mature and move into new terrains to address gender equality in new spheres of operation. The digital space and the impending Web 3.0 are presented here as ideal environments for doing so.

This publication is downloadable on the ASEAN-IPR Website: https://asean-aipr.org/resources/a-native-wps-agenda-for-asean-security-in-digital-space/

  December 28, 2021



Publication by ASEAN University Network (AUN), Program on Strengthening Human Rights and Peace Education in Southeast Asia (SHAPESEA), and the Southeast Asian Conflict Studies Network (SEACSN)

This is a sourcebook written for students, scholars and practitioners interested in knowing more about peace and conflict transformation in the region, with regional case studies, and written by scholars who have been working in this field in the region for many years.

This publication is downloadable on the ASEAN-IPR Website: https://asean-aipr.org/resources/peace-and-conflict-transformation-in-southeast-asia/

  December 28, 2021

On 27 September 2021, the ASEAN-IPR Secretariat organised the 1st Experts Meeting on Module Development for the ASEAN-IPR Women, Peace & Security (WPS) Training Programme.

Led by Prof. Miriam Coronel-Ferrer and joined by other experts and practitioners on conflict analysis, conflict resolution and peace-building from across the region, the 1st Experts Meeting explored the overall design and concept of the Training Modules – to ensure a sustainable and standardised WPS training that puts forth inclusivity.

The Modules developed in the Experts Meeting(s) shall be later utilised for an ASEAN-IPR training programme to enhance, train, and assist women’s participation in conflict resolution, peace-making and peace-building.

This project is supported by the Canadian Mission to ASEAN through the Canada Fund for Local Initiative (CFLI), as well as the UK Mission to ASEAN.


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