What We Do

Mandate & Functions of The Institute


ASEAN-IPR is mandated to be an ASEAN institution for research activities on peace, conflict management and conflict resolution; promote and/or fulfil activities agreed in the ASEAN Political-Security Community (APSC) Blueprint; as well as possible additional activities.


The ASEAN-IPR functions to undertake the following activities :

Undertake research and compile ASEAN’s experiences and best practices (including gender mainstreaming) on peace processes; with the view to providing appropriate recommendations to ASEAN Bodies, and enhance regional mechanisms
Capacity Building
Build capacity and knowledge on peace processes for all stakeholders
Pool of Experts
Develop a pool of experts to assist ASEAN (governments and/or Bodies) in conflict management, provide policy recommendations, as well as facilitation for peace negotiation
Networking/Knowledge Hub
Function as a knowledge hub by establishing linkages/network with relevant institutions and organisations in AMS, as well as other regions, and at the international level with similar objectives aimed at promoting a culture of peace
Disseminate Information
Disseminate best practices, lessons learned and relevant information to AMS, other relevant stakeholders, as well as the general public
The APSC Blueprint 2025 aims to build upon the achievements that have been made in the previous Blueprint (2009-2015) to elevate ASEAN political and security cooperation to an even higher level. In this regard, and in line with the TOR of ASEAN-IPR, the APSC Blueprint holds 10 action lines in which ASEAN-IPR is to be the implementing entity.


Research Projects and Activities


Trainings and Capacity Building Activities


Outreach Activities


Discussion Series


Other Activities


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