ASEAN-IPR Discussion Series 2024, Session 3 - Fostering Water Diplomacy: Advancing ASEAN’s Regional Water Security Agenda


The second Session of the ASEAN-IPR Discussion Series 2024 was conducted with the theme “Fostering Water Diplomacy: Advancing ASEAN’s Regional Water Security Agenda”, attracting to more than 200 attendees. The event also welcomed two Special Envoys on Water — Mr. Antti Rautavaara, Finland Special Envoy for Water and H.E. Retno L.P. Marsudi, UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy on Water.

The discussion explored how water diplomacy could help prevent and resolve tensions over shared water resources, promoting water security in the region. The speakers and participants also highlighted how ASEAN’s cooperative approach can strengthen water diplomacy by involving various actors beyond traditional state-level discussions.

Recording of the Discussion Series