Online Discussion
28 Dec 2021

1st Expert Meeting on Module Development for ASEAN-IPR Women, Peace & Security (WPS) Training Programme

On 27 September 2021, the ASEAN-IPR Secretariat organised the 1st Experts Meeting on Module Development for the ASEAN-IPR Women, Peace & Security (WPS) Training Programme.

Led by Prof. Miriam Coronel-Ferrer and joined by other experts and practitioners on conflict analysis, conflict resolution and peace-building from across the region, the 1st Experts Meeting explored the overall design and concept of the Training Modules - to ensure a sustainable and standardised WPS training that puts forth inclusivity.

The Modules developed in the Experts Meeting(s) shall be later utilised for an ASEAN-IPR training programme to enhance, train, and assist women's participation in conflict resolution, peace-making and peace-building.

This project is supported by the Canadian Mission to ASEAN through the Canada Fund for Local Initiative (CFLI), as well as the UK Mission to ASEAN.



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