Online Discussion
14 Sep 2022

ASEAN-IPR Online Lecture Video | Episode 2, Part 1: Dr. Amporn Marddent - Radicalisation and Violent Extremism: Ways to Counter and Prevent

We are delighted to present the second episode of our Online Lecture Video series, featuring Dr. Amporn Marddent (Member of AWPR Thailand, and lecturer at School of Languages and General Education in Walailak University, Thailand). This episode will explore the theme Radicalisation and Violent Extremism: Ways to Counter and Prevent, where the first part of the video will mainly focus on discussing the concept and theories relevant to the theme. The lecture focuses on Southeast Asia as case study to help understand the characteristics that influenced the region's radicalisation and violent extremism landscape. Make sure to like this video and subscribe our channel for upcoming online lectures!


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