26 Jan 2022

Highlights of the Youth-Tech Workshop and Training, November 2021

Throwback to some exciting activities under the Youth Tech Training Workshop in November 2021!

With a total of three days of training workshop, Youth Tech is projected to train and empower the ASEAN youths in promoting culture of peace, tolerance and understanding through ICT. This project is supported by the ASEAN-ROK Cooperation Fund (AKCF).

The good news is we'll be back with similar training, which also aims to connect the youths in the region, at the soonest! Stay tuned to our social media for more updates on our projects and activities!

#ASEAN #ASEAN_IPR #ASEAN4Peace #ForgingandFosteringPeace #peace #TrainingProgramme #YouthTech #Youth #ASEAN_ROK #ASEANyouths


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