ASEAN-IPR Discussion Series 2024, Session 1 - Unravelling Cyberterrorism: Analysing Its Impact On National Security
14 Aug 2024

ASEAN-IPR Discussion Series 2024, Session 1 - Unravelling Cyberterrorism: Analysing Its Impact On National Security

Wednesday, 14 August 2024, Hotel Grandhika Iskandarsyah, South Jakarta, Indonesia

The ASEAN Institute on Peace and Reconciliation (ASEAN-IPR) convened Session 1 of the ASEAN-IPR Discussion Series 2024 with the theme “Unravelling Cyberterrorism: Analysing its Impact on National Security” on 14 August 2024 from 14:00 to 16:30 PM. The discussion was held in hybrid format at the Hotel Grandhika Iskandarsyah, South Jakarta, Indonesia, with in-person discussion simultaneously streamed through Zoom Webinar broadcast and YouTube livestream throughout the session. Bringing together a total of 138 participants, the discussion hosted 67 in-person attendees and 71 others through digital platforms. This session was made possible with the support from the Mission of Canada to ASEAN through the Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI).

The overall objective of the Discussion Series is to provide a platform to discuss peace and related trends, to engage with relevant stakeholders, as well as to enhance dialogue with like-minded institutions through the exchange of views on contemporary issues. For the first session, the ASEAN-IPR Discussion Series 2024 explored the intricate relationship between the multifaceted threat of Cyberterrorism and its implications on national security, providing a comprehensive analysis of how cyberterrorist threats are identified and assessed.

The discussion was moderated by Ms. Rezya Agnesica Helena Sihaloho who is a Professional Staff Assistant in the Geostrategy and Resilience division at the National Resilience Agency of Indonesia. Featuring three speakers, the discussion was enriched by the presence of Komjen. Pol. (Purn.) Prof. Dr. Drs. Petrus Reinhard Golose, Advisor to Paguyuban Anti Teror Indonesia (PATI) of the National Counter Terrorism Agency (BNPT); Prof. Dr. Su Hao, Professor in the Department of Diplomacy and Founding Director of Center for Strategic and Peace Studies at the China Foreign Affairs University (CFAU); and Captain Sherhannah S. Paiso, Military Professor of Clinical Psychology and Social Anthropology at the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP).

The speakers exchanged views acknowledging the dual nature of digitalisation as it notably offers numerous benefits yet presents new avenues for exploitation by malicious actors. While digital technology facilitates communication and innovation, it also enables terrorist groups to exploit information technology for sophisticated operations, leading to the emergence of the term "cyberterrorism." As each speaker greatly detailed the nuances of cyberterrorism, the lack of a common definition as well as the evident diverse viewpoints on the emergent threat illustrated a challenge in addressing cyberterrorism effectively. Key discussions revolved around the recruitment and mobilisation tactics employed by violent extremist groups, particularly in Southeast Asia and China, highlighting the need for comprehensive legal frameworks and interagency cooperation to effectively counter radicalisation and terrorism-related activities in the cyberspace.

The session underscored the significant impacts and vulnerabilities posed by cyberterrorism to national and regional security, especially concerning critical national infrastructure and societal safety. The susceptibility of online channel exploitation to increase the reach and influence of terrorist organisations also creates challenges for the adaptation of law enforcement and security agencies in securing the nation. The discussion called for the development of comprehensive strategies that include legal frameworks, interagency cooperation, and public-private partnerships to enhance resilience against cyberterrorism. Finally, the importance of fostering enhanced dialogue and cooperation among ASEAN Member States and beyond was emphasised to create a shared understanding of cyber threats and develop effective countermeasures. Collectively, these points highlight the urgent need for a coordinated response to the evolving threat of cyberterrorism as its implications extend beyond immediate security concerns, affecting public safety, economic stability, and peace within the ASEAN region.

The second session of the ASEAN-IPR Discussion Series 2024 is scheduled to be on the first week of December 2024, with the theme “Empowering Participation: Ensuring Women’s Full and Meaningful Involvement in Peacekeeping Efforts.” Be sure to subscribe to the ASEAN-IPR’s YouTube Channel, and follow our social media for latest information and/or updates on our activities.




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