ASEAN-IPR Discussion Series 2021: Youth as Agents of Peace - Utilising Digital Platforms for Narratives of Peace
16 Aug 2021

ASEAN-IPR Discussion Series 2021: Youth as Agents of Peace - Utilising Digital Platforms for Narratives of Peace




Wednesday, 11 August 2021 ASEAN-IPR YouTube Channel

The ASEAN Institute for Peace and Reconciliation (ASEAN-IPR) convened the second session of the ASEAN-IPR Discussion Series 2021 on Wednesday, 11 August 2021. This second session of the Discussion Series took the theme Youth as Agents of Peace - Utilising Digital Platforms for Narratives of Peace, in the lead up to the ASEAN-IPRs Youth & Technology Training Programme. The Webinar brought together up to ninety (90) participants from ASEAN Member States, ASEAN bodies/sectoral bodies/centres/entities (e.g., ASEAN Secretariat, ASEAN Foundation, etc.), ASEAN partners, media, youth organisations, and other stakeholders - whether through the Webinar platform or its live streaming on YouTube Channel. The ASEAN-IPR Discussion Series 2021 is supported by the Embassies of Finland and Ireland in Jakarta.

The main objective of the Discussion Series is to serve as a platform to discuss peace and related trends, engage with relevant stakeholders, as well as to enhance dialogue with like-minded institutions through the exchange of views on contemporary issues that may have an impact on peace in the region in the future. For the second part of the series, the Webinar aims to explore the role and impact of youth in maintaining and spreading narratives of peace through digital platforms within the region.

The discussion was moderated by H.E. Ambassador Artauli Tobing, Representative of Indonesia to the ASEAN-IPR Governing Council. Three speakers shared their experience and expertise on the topic: Mr. Somkiao Kingsada, Director-General of International Relations, Cooperation Department, Lao People's Revolutionary Youth Union and Chair of the ASEAN Senior Officials Meeting on Youth (SOMY), Mr. Mahmudi Yusbi, Head of Programmes of the ASEAN Foundation, and Mr. Ahmad Afryan, Project Development Manager of ASEAN Youth Organization (AYO).

The Speakers exchanged views on the best practices of youth involvement related to peace on the digital platform, barriers to youth involvement in peace processes and intergenerational collaboration. To allow for meaningful youth participation in generating peaceful narratives, there needs to be an openness from the older generation to provide participatory channels for youth to be involved in peace processes. The Speakers also emphasised the timeliness of shift in views from the youth as passive beneficiaries of help to the youth as proactive agents and leaders of peace. Additionally, they also highlighted the much-needed trust building between generations for collaboration to happen, especially in bridging the gap in the context of ICT.

In his closing remarks, Mr. I Gusti Agung Wesaka Puja, Executive Director of the ASEAN-IPR, emphasised that it is not about the older or the younger generation, but how both are able to work together to shift the current challenges into opportunities, in order to realise the ASEAN community.

The third session of the Discussion Series 2021 will be held on Wednesday, 25 August 2021, with the theme 20 Years of Aceh Peace Process, 15 Years after Helsinki: A Reflection. Be sure to subscribe to the ASEAN-IPRs YouTube Channel, and follow our social media for latest information and/or updates on our activities. Also, be on the lookout for the ASEAN-IPRs Youth-Tech training for the youth on utilising technology as instruments of peace, scheduled to be convened in September 2021.


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